In Primary school level, the focus is on the development of the child through experiential learning. The primary school years are recognized as a period of rapid development and transition and so the teaching learning strategies are designed keeping in mind the social, physical, emotional and cultural needs of the growing child. Teachers take special care in maintaining close relationships with children, attempting to keep abreast of the individual differences as well as the changing patterns in interpersonal relationship. Concepts and skills are learnt through interactive classroom teaching, group classes, group discussions, projects, role play, drama, recitation, quiz, audio-visual media, laboratory work and field trips. Students are encouraged to engage in discussions and think for themselves and arrive at conclusions thereby enabling them to develop their problem solving skills and divergent thinking . Students with specific difficulties in subject areas are supported through remedial classes by the teachers and through buddy help. Arts and crafts, sports, drama and music are an integral part of the school programme.