"Yoga" is derived from Sanskrit word Yuj', meaning "to join" or "to unite" and practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual conscious with Universal consciousness creating harmony between the body Mind & Nature! Yoga is an integral part of school curriculum.


Silambam is a weapon based Indian martial art. At SViS, Silambam is offered as an extra-curricular activity to children of all age groups.
Learning Silambam increases self-confidence and concentration. Our children have participated in state level tournaments.


Art & Craft education unleashes the imagination of curative skills of student. It helps in creating a positive impact on mental health and well being which eventually helps towards the holistic development of the child and it is an integral part of our curriculum.


SViS promotes regular engagement in physical activities which helps students muscular strength, endurance, flexibility apart from imbibing sportsmanship spirit.

It helps students to improve their self esteem, social skills and confidence.